Feats |
Armor Light |
Armor Medium |
Armor Heavy |
Weapon Simple |
Weapon Martial |
Shield |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Proficient + Tower |
Armor Proficiency (Heavy) - Proficient in the
wearing of all heavy armors. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Armor Proficiency (Light) - Proficient in the
wearing of all light armors. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Armor Proficiency (Medium) - Proficient in
the wearing of all medium armors. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Far Shot - Projectile weapon range +50%.
Throw weapon range +100%. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Heighten Critical - Add +1 to Critical
Multiplier |
Improved Critical Mind Blade - Critical
threat range for chosen weapon is doubled. (System Reference
Document 3.5 ). |
Improved Initiative - +4 on initiative
checks. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Improved Precise Shot - Ranged attacks ignore
cover and concealment unless total. Always hit correct target in a
grapple. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Improved Two-Weapon Fighting - You get a
second attack with your off-hand weapon at a -5 penalty. (System
Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Manyshot - You can fire multiple arrows at a
single opponent within 30ft. No. of arrows and penalty depends on
BAB. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Martial Weapon Proficiency Mind Blade -
Proficient with a single martial weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Penetrating Shot - Your ranged attack targets
every foe in 60-ft. line. (Player's Handbook II 81). |
Point Blank Shot - +1 on attack and damage
rolls with ranged weapons at range up to 30ft. (System Reference
Document 3.5 ). |
Precise Shot - Make ranged attacks into a
melee without taking -4 penalty. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Ranged Sunder - Use ranged weapon to sunder
foe's weapon at reduced damage penalty. (Complete Warrior 104).
Rapid Shot - One extra attack with ranged
weapon per round. All attacks take -2 penalty. (System Reference
Document 3.5 ). |
Shield Proficiency - Proficient will all
shields except tower shields. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapons Proficiency - Proficient with
simple weapons. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Tower Shield Proficiency - Proficient with
tower shields. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Two-Weapon Fighting - Penalty for fighting
with a weapon in each hand is reduced by 2 for primary hand and 6
for off-hand. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Weapon Focus Mind Blade - +1 bonus on all
attack rolls with selected weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Weapon Specialization Mind Blade - +2 bonus
on all damage rolls with selected weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Wild Talent - Your mind wakes to a previously
unrealized talent for psionics. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |