| | | | | | |
Feats | Armor
Light | Armor
Medium | Armor
Heavy | Weapon
Simple | Weapon
Martial | Shield |
| Proficient | Proficient | Untrained | Proficient | Proficient | Proficient |
Armor Proficiency (Light) - Proficient in the wearing of all light armors.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Armor Proficiency (Medium) - Proficient in the wearing of all medium armors.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Cleave - If you reduce an enemy to 0 HP, you get a bonus attack against another within reach.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Improved Critical Flail, Heavy - Critical threat range for chosen weapon is doubled.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Martial Weapon Proficiency Greataxe - Proficient with a single martial weapon.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Might Makes Right - Add Str bonus to Leadership score when determining number of followers.
(Races of Faerûn 166).
Power Attack - Subtract a number from attack rolls (not exceeding your BAB) and add this to your damage rolls.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Shield Proficiency - Proficient will all shields except tower shields.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapons Proficiency - Proficient with simple weapons.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Toughness - +2 hit points per level.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Track - Find and follow tracks. Requires Survival checks.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ).