Feats |
Armor Light |
Armor Medium |
Armor Heavy |
Weapon Simple |
Weapon Martial |
Shield |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Untrained |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Proficient |
Armor Proficiency (Light) - Proficient in the
wearing of all light armors. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Armor Proficiency (Medium) - Proficient in
the wearing of all medium armors. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Combat Reflexes - Additional attacks of
opportunity equal to DEX bonus. Can make attacks of opportunity
while flat-footed. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Deflect Arrows - If you have a free hand you
can deflect a ranged attack once per round. Must be aware of attack
and not flat-footed. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Siangham -
Proficient with a single exotic weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Kama - Proficient
with a single exotic weapon. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Nunchaku -
Proficient with a single exotic weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Sai - Proficient
with a single exotic weapon. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Exotic Weapon Proficiency Shuriken -
Proficient with a single exotic weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Fist of the Heavens - +2 to Stunning Fist DC.
(Book of Exalted Deeds 43). |
Improved Natural Attack |
Improved Trip - +4 on STR check. Do not
provoke attack of opportunity if unarmed. Free attack against
tripped opponent. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Improved Unarmed Strike - You are considered
to be armed even when unarmed. Can deal lethal or non-lethal damage.
(System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Intuitive Attack - Use Wis modifier instead
of Str modifier on attack rolls with simple and natural weapons.
(Book of Exalted Deeds 44). |
Martial Weapon Proficiency Handaxe -
Proficient with a single martial weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Nimbus of Light - +2 bonus on Diplomacy and
Sense Motive checks with good creatures. (Book of Exalted
Deeds 44). |
Sacred Vow - +2 perfection bonus on Diplomacy
checks. (Book of Exalted Deeds 45). |
Sanctify Ki Strike - +1 or +1d4 bonus on
unarmed damage rolls against evil creatures. (Book of Exalted
Deeds 46). |
Shield Proficiency - Proficient will all
shields except tower shields. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapon Proficiency Sling - Proficient
with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapon Proficiency Unarmed Strike -
Proficient with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Simple Weapon Proficiency Dagger - Proficient
with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapon Proficiency Crossbow, Heavy -
Proficient with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Simple Weapon Proficiency Crossbow, Light -
Proficient with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Simple Weapon Proficiency Club - Proficient
with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document 3.5 ).
Simple Weapon Proficiency Quarterstaff -
Proficient with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Simple Weapon Proficiency Javelin -
Proficient with a single simple weapon. (System Reference Document
3.5 ). |
Simple Weapons Proficiency - Proficient with
simple weapons. (System Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Stunning Fist - Special unarmed attack that
forces opponent to make Fortitude save or be stunned. (System
Reference Document 3.5 ). |
Touch of Golden Ice - Evil creatures touched
ravaged by golden ice. (Book of Exalted Deeds 47). |
Vow of Chastity - +4 perfectoin bonus on Will
saves against charms and phantasms. (Book of Exalted Deeds 47).
Vow of Poverty - Bonuses to AC, ability
scores, and saves; bonus feats (see page 29 of Book of Exalted
Deeds). (Book of Exalted Deeds 48).