Star Wars Edge of the Empire Character Sheets based upon the FFG character sheet, orignal design by "Jameswelch", modified and additional formatting by Jonathan "Donovan Morningfire" Stevens In order to get proper use out of these files, you'll to install the various fonts included in this zip file. Simply drop them in your C:\Windows\Fonts folder and you should be good to go. Also, the page margins will need to be set 0.5" to make sure everything fits in the proper place. While I think the color version looks cooler, the B&W version is available for those wanting to conserve ink or are limited to B&W printers. In order to get the dice pool symbols to show up correctly, you'll need to enter them as follows: Profciency die = lower case c Ability die = lower case d If using the color version, you'll need to manually change the dice colors, which is done simply by highlighting the chracter and then changing the font color to match (yellow for Proficiency dice, green for Ability dice). Or, if you don't want to bother with the EotE font, you can just use "P" and "a", with a pool of 2 Proficiency and 1 Ability being listed as "PPa". Just don't install the EotE font and you don't have to modify the fields, since the option to save with the fonts embedded doesn't appear to work properly. Thanks for downloading this and happy gaming.